Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Kopitiam at Kranji MRT - Fools eat there

I haven't blogged since early this month. Was engrossed (or hooked) on XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Is an addictive highly acclaimed game that was released last year- i even think about how to defeat the alien invasion in my sleep. The reason i play it now is a lady programmer has provided a solution easily implemented by a laymen to make it work on WinXP.

This month is also an exciting month for SG with the riot by around 400 foreign workers in Little India. Upon reading about the riot on a message board i'm amused it occured. Is good it happened so that the sleeping supporters of the hybrid regime can 'wake up' to the unsustainable economic policies. Following the riot, authorities banned alcohol sales in the affected area. Watching the rioting videos on youtube, it's obvious alcohol has little to do with it. Drunk people are not in a physical state to overturn vehicles, set fire.

Record shattering of the pristine image espoused by the hybrid regime:
2012 year end - PRC bus drivers strike
2013 year end - Around 400 foreign workers riot
2014 - ????
2015 - ????

Looks like the massive foreign labor is making a contributory effort to the downfall of hybrid regime which has mutated the country's economic institutions to be highly extractive be it local or foreign within its borders.

Extractive Landlord(Govt) Now Has a Sucker Paying Killer Rent
The retail space below Kranji train station has been vacant for quite a long time of at least 2 years since the closure of retail outlet This Fashion (if i remember correctly). Now the vacant premises is now taken by Kopitiam which has spam another branch there. How come no business dare to set up shop there for so long despite the population explosion to eat, drink & shit?

Kranji MRT station is famous for 2 things:

  • Horsebetting gamblers alight to get their fix at Turf club at weekend
  • Johoreans & Sinkies heading to Johor, Malaysia by bus everyday

While i don't know about the racehorse gamblers since i'm not one. I do know that only fools would buy or eat at Kranji MRT since is only a couple of minutes bus ride to cross the border to Malaysia for cheaper clothes or food.

Side facing the main road. Picture taken at around 7:30pm on a working weekday from the overhead bridge. Poor business. Even if hungry, also must endure like 15-30 minutes more so can enjoy the enlarged purchasing power at Malaysia. Or eat something light like bread before knocking off to starve off the hunger.

Other side facing turf club. Also few people dumb enough to pay for overpriced food & drinks for dinner despite long queue for the working crowd to return back to Johor via bus.

Clearly the demographic of customers at Kranji MRT are mostly to escape the high costs of SG.

See also:
Johoreans reluctant to spend on Msian side Starbucks on way home after customs after earning S$. They ain't no fools to spend it in SG - No Starbucks Addiction For Johoreans Unlike Sinkies

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